My baby sister turned 26 on July, to celebrate we went to eat at Chiles. Afterward we went back to our apartment for her to blow out the candles on her cake...we also played some music and danced. Tia Irene and Mom provided the "entertainment." We had a great time. Happy Birthday Dri...we love you.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Adrianna's 26th Birthday
My baby sister turned 26 on July, to celebrate we went to eat at Chiles. Afterward we went back to our apartment for her to blow out the candles on her cake...we also played some music and danced. Tia Irene and Mom provided the "entertainment." We had a great time. Happy Birthday Dri...we love you.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
New Mexico, July 8-11
We also visited the beautiful Catherdral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and heard the Santa Fe Desert Chorale perform. It was awesome.
The next day, totally by chance, we entered the Zuger Galerie, which houses sculptures by Gib Singleton. Gib is famous for creating the Fourteen Stations of The Cross in bronze. He is also the artist who designed the crucifix carried by the late Pope John Paul II and is now carried by Pope Benedict XVI.
We also visited the Palace of the Governors, which is the oldest seat of goverment in the United States, many art galeries and shops. There was also a music festival going on and so everynight we'd go hear the music at the plaza... we saw many excentric was a unique experience. Ulisses and I also ate a different local restaurant every night and really enjoyed the food and locally brewed beer.
The last day we were there we visited Sandia Peak in Alburquerque. We rode the world's longest tramway at over 10,000 feet. The view from the top was beyond felt like you were in the clouds. Later on that evening we flew back to Midland and arrived tired but satisfied from our trip... we saw much and experienced much together. Above are some pictures from our trip.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Long Time...No See!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Terry's Wedding, July 5
My cousin Terry married Patrick Gainey earlier this month...and may I just say that she made a beautiful bride. She looked radiant.
Upward Bound
For the second year in a row I taught summer school for the Upward Bound program. This program is funded through a grant at Odessa college. It specifically targets high school aged students who live in Odessa and surrounding cities who are going to be the first in their families to go to college. The students come and stay at the dorms at O.C. and attend both core and elective classes the month of June. I taught this great group of sweet and creative youth Spanish beginner and advanced levels. They were an absolute joy to teach and I look forward to teaching under this program next summer.
We ended the summer with a banquet in which students received awards and recognition for all their hard work. My students also put on four puppet shows in Spanish. I guided them in making sock puppets and writing their funny story lines. They truly impressed me with their creativity. Their parents were all present at the banquet and really enjoyed the puppet shows. Above are some pictures of my students taken the night of the banquet and of myself with the director of Upward Bound, Debbie Vasquez. (also it was great to have Mom attend the banquet with me...Ulisses couldn't because of work)