At Ratlif Stadium...
This Friday was the big game...Permian versus Odessa High...And I guess every school has its rivalry...Loraine and Westbrook...Gail and Sands...and Permian and O.H.S. It amazes me that this ball game was a much bigger deal than homecoming. People actually camped outside for tickets...and they sold out...30,000 people attended the game.
I must say that the competitive spirit is also alive and well in our home...you see Ulisses graduated from O.H.S. in 1993 and is still a proud Broncho...and I am an adopted Panther...I've been at Permian for quite some time now...and I also feel the need to be supportive of my students on the team...
So, Ulisses and I made a bet before the game...if Permian won he would have to wear a Permian t-shirt to the mall and to the movies...and vice versa if O.H.S. won...and PERMIAN WON ... ha, ha! I actually won a bet with him (I've lost many bets in the past)...The score was 54 to 20!!! The score was so lop sided in fact that we left after the third quarter...we had fun...I more that him...but there's always next year! The Permian/O.H.S rivalry will never end!