Gabriella and company...
Gabriella with Grandparents...
Gabriella and her family...
Gabriella and her family...
Naty and Claudia...
with precious Nana...
Tia Irene, Dri, and Tia Sara...
Adrianna and Sonya
J.G. and Nana...
J.G. and his Mom...Happy Birthday G., Nick and Naty
Birthday Cake...
This Saturday we had Thanksgiving at Nana's. Dri, Ulisses and I drove down together. Fernando had a playoff game in Pecos (which they won!) and Mom took care of her grand they were not able to go.
We had such a nice time hanging out, visiting and stuffing our faces...we also celebrated J.G.'s birthday along with Nick's and Natalie's...later Jeniffer had a birthday party for Gabriella at Tio Junior's since she had not been able to celebrate her two year birthday on the actual date with was nice time as well...
So...Todays G.'s actual birthday...Happy 30th Birthday you!