Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mom's Birthday: Part II.

Mom's carrot birthday cake...
eating cake with Tia Adri...
stacking spices...
outside the petting zoo...
having fun...
Papa and Martin on the camel...

Papa and Gabriel on the camel...
Adrianna wants one real bad...
Tito and Martin...
Mom and Gabriel...
checking out the zebra...Ferny and Gabriel...
ejoying lunch...
Papa, Gabriel and Martin
Last Sunday we were all able to get together to celebrate Mom's birthday (again). We ate at Rosas and then took Gabriel and Martin to a petting zoo they had set up here outside the mall. The boys also rode a camel with Papa...they had so much fun. I think their favorite was the pot bellied pig. Afterwards we went to the house for cake and hung out all afternoon. We had a wonderful day. (Ulisses was at work.)

Violin Recital...

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of baby sitting our nieces for a while. Lisset and Benjamin had a golf tournament...Ulisses was at work...and I got to practice being a Mom. It was a lot of fun...we watched movies and played outside too. Later on that same day Andrea had her violin recital. She looked so pretty in her dress and played her violin very well. We were impressed!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mom's Birthday: Part I

Mom's 58th birthday was on the 23rd and landed on a Thursday. Even though it was one of Mom's long days at school, we decided to celebrate over dinner at Texas Road House that night. Mom enjoyed a delicious steak...and we enjoyed asking the waiters to embarrass her by making her ride a saddle! She was a good sport about it...we all had a great's hard to believe my Mom is 58...the years have really flown. But I think Mom is aging backwards...she's looking better than ever! Happy Birthday, Mom...We love you!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sydney's First Communion

Last Saturday, our niece Sydney had her First Communion. Her group also performed some precious songs for the congregation. Afterwards,we all went out and celebrated at the Red Lobster. (Ulisses was not able to join us this day because of work.)
God bless you, Sydney...We love you!

Malcolm Gladwell

Earlier this month Ulisses and I went to U.T.P.B to hear national bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell speak. I had actually been recommended his books not to long ago and had been reading his book The Tipping Point. He is an excellent speaker who provokes you to think on a deeper level about why things are the way they are in society. He spoke mainly on capitalism in all areas of life. It was very interesting and Ulisses and I enjoyed it very much. Now he's waiting for me to finish reading The Tipping Point, so that he can read it!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter...


...amazed by the baby chicks



Martin and Gabriel

Easter egg hunting...

Gabriel egg hunting...

Mom and Sharon...

Martin laughing...

Tito and Gabriel...

Tito and Gabriel...


Ulisses and I after church on Easter...

21 weeks pregnant...

We had a really blessed Easter...first we went to church (the early service) and then we took off to Gail. We went to spend the afternoon with Fernando, Sharon and the boys. We had a great time...Ulisses and I brought the boys some baby colored chicks. They were soooo excited! It was fun to watch...we had a great lunch and then we had a small Easter egg hunt for the boys. Ferny said that the boys had been to an Easter egg hunt at the school on Friday...but that Martin thought the idea of lining up the kids meant that it was a race and took off fast ignoring the Easter eggs...Gabriel did notice the eggs though...too cute.

Thank you God for a beautiful Easter spent with family...

20 Weeks Pregnant...

Growing more everyday...and loving it. Our baby girl also moves around a lot! She especially loves to kick when I'm in bed at night...probably playing with her toes!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's a girl!!!

Yesterday, Ulisses and I had our doctor appointment and were we ever anxious and excited! The sonogram showed that we are having a baby girl!!! The doctor said everything looked great and that we have a very active little was awesome to see her on the screen...she opened her little mouth, moved her arms and hands to her face....and our favorite...we were able to see her playing with her feet! It was so amazing.
Ulisses and I are excited about our little blessing...after the appointment we went to eat and then straight to Target to do a little shopping!
Thank you God for our little girl!
(the above picture was taken about two weeks ago, today I am 20 weeks)

Jamie's Baby Shower...

Jamie, Nana, and I...
Jamie and Tia Anita...
Jennifer and Gabriela...
Sonya and Xander
Last Saturday was Jamie's baby shower in Colorado City. Mom and I drove down together. Dri was unable to go because she had to take a test for class.

Jamie is having a baby girl...and I believe she is due in about 7 weeks already. We had a really good time visiting...and seeing all the pretty little girl things. Jamie looked beautiful as always...above are a few pictures I took at the shower.


Hace unas semanas Ulisses y yo fuimos al bautizo de Camila, la preciosa bebe de nuestros amigos Sergio y Veronica Aguirre, en Ojinaga. Nos dio mucho gusto poder compartir en un dia tan especial. Todo fue muy misa y la fiesta despues.

Ojala y podamos ir mas seguido a vistarlos...