Martin sleeping...
Tio Tito and the boys
Sharon the cook...
Lita feeding Gabriel...
Gabriel and Daddy...
with Tio Ulisses...
Reading "Peter Rabbit"....
Gabriel y Abuelito
Gabriel loves playing with cars....
Martin with Tio Ulisses and Elmo...
This past Saturday Ulisses and I headed up to Gail to visit Fernando, Sharon and the boys. We had the best time visiting and playing with Gabriel and Martin. They are such a joy to watch. They're walking alot now and love to play with their toys and watch Sesame Street. The next day we went to church and then the rest of the family (minus Dri) got into town. We ate a delicious meal and hung out all afternoon. This Easter was a blessed time spent with family. Here are some pictures we took this weekend.
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