A week and a half ago Ulisses was not feeling too well. He awoke Saturday morning with severe stomach pain and vomiting. Nothing made him feel better, not even some pepto. After an hour or so we went to the clinic where they ran some tests to determine whether it was the flu or not. He did not have the flu but he had a really high white blood cell count and a fever which meant an infection. We then went to the emergency room and they told us it was his appendix. However, that hospital did not have a surgeon on hand, so we rode the ambulance to the other hospital. Ulisses had an appendectomy around midnight. They surgery lasted about an hour. He came out in pain and groggy, but the prescription meds have really helped him. They kept him over night and released him the next afternoon. He didn't work for a week (doctor's orders) while he recuperated...and last night was his first night back. We are so grateful to God that they removed his appendix before it ruptured and for his good health.