Ulisses and the boys played some tee-ball...
Martin and his latest trick...putting three pacifiers in his mouth at once...
the Baeza family...
Fernando turned 28 on the 7th of this month and we all went down last Sunday to celebrate. It was the first time we got to see their new house...it's really nice and spacious and the boys seem to like it too...
We had a great time playing with Gabriel and Martin, hanging out...and eating an awesome meal Sharon had prepared with a Tres Leches birthday cake to top it off!
Happy Birthday little brother...We love you!!
Happy Birthday Old Man, your getting up there! :D
...always the love the pics, Prima! Keep'em comin'. Let me know when the written twang gets old. It's just...you live in West Texas.
...I act like I don't live in Texas either.
ha!ha! primo...I could never get tired of the Texas twang...is there even another way to talk?
Lol. I guess not.
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