Excited about graduation...

with Principal Roy Garcia

one of my awesome kids...Merritt Owens, Permian Valedictorian

with friends...Kalvinetta, Alma, and Imelda

Brittain and Shelby

Jessica and Gabby

Permian mascot, Brady McCoy

Patrick and Diego

Edgar, Samantha and Jessica

Spanish award recipient, Adam Vree

with Nancy Van

with Joseph Baird...Spanish IV. student

Go Mojo!

with Mr. Mansanales and my sweet student Jose

Lauren and Kayla

Adam and Lauren

Sean and Kayla

Kelsie received the award for best Spanish Student...she's going to minor in Spanish

Eva, Tania, Alyssa, Justin, Sasha, and Gabby

Vanessa, Terry and Brittany

Malessa and Zeleima

Brittany, Jared, and Ashley

Gabriel, Aly and John

Kelsie, Maddison, and Kaitlyn

Whitney and Cassie

Merritt, Albany, Kelsie and Lauren (will minor in Spanish)

Emily graduated last year and came by to say hi...she had her baby boy a few days later.

Travis B., Ricardo, Marisa, Nora, Kameron , Alex and Travis C.
Coming to the end of another school year was a little sad for me this year. I won't be returning in the fall. I'm going to stay home with our baby girl...which is a decision Ulisses and I were in total agreement on. However, it was sad because I love teaching...and my time at Permian has been wonderful. I love my principal...coworkers...and especially the students. I'm so blessed that this year in particular was so exceptional...my kids were so smart, hardworking and just so sweet. I was really touched when the seniors selected me as one of the "teachers of the year." I wish I could give them all the "students of the year" award...they are so great.
Tio and I are so proud of you. You've done wonderful throughout your teaching career. Congradulations!
Great pics!!!
Enjoyed looking at the pictures, I'm glad to hear your last year has been so great for you. You are blessed to have the option to stay home with your little one. Take care, love Elizabeth.
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