Thursday, July 16, 2009

DeLoera Family Reunion, July 3-5

Four generations...Nana, Mom, myself and Aurora Julieta
Nana, Ulisses and I...
Mom, Nana, Irene, Victor, and myself...
Baby Jade...
at Joe T. Garcia's Restaurant...
Enjoying brunch at Joe T. Garcias...
David and his little girl...
Claudia, Vanessa and I...
We won a free massage in a couple's game...
Proximo Sonido with Sonya singing...
Sara, Nana, and Mom at the dance...
Tila, Sandra and Irene...
Nick, Maruca and Mom...
Tio Pablo's and Tia Paula's family...
Funny Johnathan...
Ronnie, Jen and Gabriella Park...
Jamie, Nana, Jade and Jeremy...
Ulisses in Fabian's hat...
Mario in Fabian's hat...
after the talent show...Madison performed "the Climb"
Audry, Tio Joe, Mom and Yoli...
Tia Gume, Tia Josefa and Nana...
Chris Castro's beautiful girls...
Some of Tio Mon's and Tia Juana's family...
Juan and Emma DeLoera and fam...
Fabian and his kids Rayanne and Ian...
Valerie and her baby Marcello...
Kika and Miguel...
Becky and Sonny...
Tio Victor, Sandra and his grand kids...
Tia Josefa, Tila, Tio Victor, Tia Paula and Nana...
Elida, her daughter and Irene...
Mom with Eloisa and her husband...
Nana and Tia Josefa acting up...
Victor, "Siete" and Sara...
Army buddies...
Tia Virginia and...
Mario and his girls...
group shot...
The much anticipated DeLoera reunion this July 4th weekend has come and gone now...and what is left are tons of good memories and pictures! I'm so glad that we decided on attending, in spite of the fact that I'm very pregnant with swolen feet most of was worth the effort. I was happy to introduce Ulisses to some family he hadn't met yet...and crazier still...I was happy to meet some DeLoera kin folk for the first time.
The accommodations at the hotel were awesome, the food was great, the atmosphere festive and inviting and everything was so well organized from beginning to end. I really had a wonderful time...and I'm already looking forward to the next one!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and especially viewing the pictures of the DFR09!!
Don't forget the newspaper article before Aurorita arrives or you won't be able to think of anything else. luv, mt

Juan & Cecilia said...

Wonderful photos! You did really great considering your condition.
You need to take up photgraphy.
Love Tia Cecilia and Tio Juan