Friday, October 10, 2008

Must See

There's a movie out right now that is a must see for's called Fireproof. Mom, Dri and I saw it last weekend. Ulisses and I are going today or tomorrow to see it together. It's a wonderful movie from the same people who made Facing the Giants. I don't want to say too much about it...cause I'll ruin it for you...but I wish everyone would see it. It is such a beautiful movie. Has anyone out there seen it already?


Anonymous said...

Nope. Haven't seen many movies lately.

Gomez-Carrion said...

I've heard of this movie! I want Michael and I to go see it. I hear it is a good one for married couples.

Elizabeth said...

I have not seen this although I have read about it. It sounds like a great movie, we'll have to go and see this one.