Friday, January 2, 2009

Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!!

the boys love talking Elmo...
Papa, Ferny and some little fire fighters...
the new train set...
Gabriel and his new fire truck...
Papa handing out the gifts...
having fun...
slam dunk...

new tricycle...
checking out their new rides...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody....hope everyone had a great holiday season. Ulisses and I had a change of plans and spent the holidays in Odessa instead of going skiing. We had Christmas Eve dinner with Mom, Papa, Tito and Dri...Ferny, Sharon and the boys were in Houston. Then we spent Christmas Day with Benjamin and Lisset's family. When Ferny and Sharon got back from Houston we went to Gail for another Christmas celebration...Tito and Ulisses weren't able to be there though. New Year's eve was spent playing Scrabble here at the was a nice and calm evening...and now my two week vacation has come to a close...but I'm rested and ready to begin what is going to be a great year.


Juan & Cecilia said...

Beautiful family pictures!
Love them
The boys are so big now and bless their poor little hearts, I can see where they absoulutly recieved no gifts at all!

Valenzuela said...

thanks Tia...I know they hardly recieved anything...ha, ha!

love you